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Inclusion and Improvement Hub (IIH)

The Link Academy Trust Inclusion and Improvement Hub

The Link Academy Inclusion Hub supports children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Our aim is to work with children who are facing challenges which are affecting their mental health and behaviour in school or at home. We offer courses for pupils in Key Stages 1/2/3 and 4 focusing on anxiety, self-esteem and managing big emotions. Our 5 week courses are designed to empower children, parents and their supporting adults to understand themselves, better manage their emotions and promote positive relationships. All courses incorporate the natural environment, creativity, activity and play.

As well as this, the Inclusion Hub hosts SENDCo Conferences and CPD opportunities for staff. Courses are also available for parents, carers and other service professionals working with children and young people. Please get in touch if you have a specific need as we may be able to signpost or create a bespoke package.