Welcome To Our New Website!

Years 5 & 6 Redwoods

Redwoods class is the home to the oldest children in our school – Years 5 and 6.

As role models for younger children, Redwoods take their whole school responsibilities seriously; they are expected to model excellent behaviour, a positive attitude towards school and learning, and take pride in their work at all times.

Learning in Redwoods is engaging and challenging. Redwoods children are exposed to a variety of teaching styles which ensure all children are excited and enthused in their learning, make the maximum possible progress while also developing independence.

Mr Abraham teaches Redwoods.

PE lessons are every Monday with Mr Abraham and Wednesdays with Mr Tanner (PE teacher).  
Please ensure that PE kit is worn to school on these days.

Homework is designed to encourage independence.  Our expectations are as follows:

- Reading on a daily basis (minimum of 15 minutes per day)

- Spellings taken from the Y5/6 and/or Y3/4 list (follow links below)

- Times Tables practice - this should include at least 15 x 1 minute sessions on TT Rock Stars (children all have their unique user ID and password which can be used to access from home)

- Project learning themed around our termly topic where the children will be able to choose from a range of activities designed to take their learning out of the classroom.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. The best time to speak to us is at the end of the day, but if it is urgent, please leave a message at the office and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience or email: adminbearnes@thelink.academy 

Redwoods Weekly Update - 12th July

Dear parents,

We have just one full week of school left for this academic year! In English, we have been learning the key features of a comic book and defining the technical aspects. In maths, we have completed our unit on decimals, including multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000. In science, we used different processes to separate mixtures of materials.

We also had a wonderful trip to Coombeshead on Wednesday afternoon to watch their school production of Legally Blonde. On Thursday, we had our last swimming session where we measured how far we can swim and then had a fun session in the pool and flume to celebrate the end of our lessons.

We have a lot of fun events lined up for next week:

Monday: World Explorer Day (St. Lucia)

Tuesday: Transition morning (Y6 students will be walking to Wolborough for some activities)

Wednesday: Olympics Day

Friday: Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly and party

Well done to our star of the week, Travis, who has shown a brilliantly positive attitude towards his learning and has taken responsibility for his work. 

Have a lovely weekend and best of luck to England - hopefully it’s coming home!

Mr. Abraham

Joel Abraham

Y5/6 Teacher

Deanne Franke

Teaching Assistant

Chelsie Robbins

Teaching Assistant